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viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

My Happiest Moment So Far...

My happiest moment so far was about almost 2 years ago. On December 30th, 2008 my little sister Adriana was born. That day was very exciting for me because I didn't know that a knew member of my family was going to be born. My mother had gone to the hospital for a routine check. I wasn't at the hospital at that time. The doctor told to my mother that the baby was going to be born that day. My father had to register my mother at the cashier. My mother was very excited. In fact, we all were. My father went to pick my brothers and I from home and took us to the hospital. My mother called everyone in her family and told them the news. Suddenly many of my aunts and cousins were at the hospital. I remember we called Pizza Hut and order pizza. After we finished eating my mom enter the labor room. At 5:15 my little sister was born. The doctor checked her and said everything was alright. The first person to hold her was my father. The first of my brother to hold her was me.

1 comentario:

  1. Oshtia tio! os he encontrado en la red. Ya te he seguido, y me siento emozzzionado porque ezzte ez el primerz blog que ezta en Ezpanol cazstellano!
